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Time For Me to Fry

I'm half Irish. I have paler skin than Michael Jackson. I have freckles. I don't *do* sun. Ever. Of course I'm also a gurl geek, so I'm not usually awake during daylight hours anyway. But if I were to actually leave the house during daylight hours for any longer than it takes me to walk down the drive and grab the snail mail while screaming, "Bright light! Bright light!" I'd definitely use one of these. Besides, it's pink.

What is it you ask? Why, it's the UA-MY UVB bracelet, of course! This lightweight and fashionably geeky bracelet actually changes color depending on the current amount of UVB radiation you are exposing your skin cells to as you cultivate a lovely malignant melanoma. The pinker it gets, the sooner you're gonna die. Wear one next time you go to a tanning salon, and then ask the manager (in the lobby using a loud, attention-getting voice) how she can justify claiming it's "safe tanning" when your bracelet is beaming a day-glo pink warning signal.

Available for the princely sum of $3.95 from X-tremeGeek.com. Did I mention it's pink?


Unknown said...

I thought if it turned "Blue" it meant you were "cultivating a lovely malignant melanoma"....and don't you have to pee on it first?

S said...

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Wrong kind of malignancy ;)