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Love Sac: Not as Kinky as it Sounds (usually)

LoveSac SuperSac KhakiSac

I love my Love Sac! We actually own two in the size commonly referred to as "The Big One" that we use for our "home theater seating" (all true geeks have a home theater, ya know). Though it looks like one, this is NOT a bean bag chair. In fact, comfort-wise it's about as far from a bean bag chair as you can get. These babies are stuffed with chunks of visco elastic foam and they are heavenly to lay in. *Divine* even! And considering the plethora of serious back issues I have, that's really saying something. I've even slept in mine on more than one occasion and I always wake up more pain-free than I do when I sleep on our visco elastic bed. Go figure.

I feel the need to warn you about one thing tho... if you do go for The Big One rather than the SuperSac pictured above (or any of the other myriad of sizes they come in such as the KidSac, MovieSac or GamerSac for the real geeks), make sure you have room for it first. Sure, it will arrive in a small enuf box, but once unleashed on your world it will grow. And grow. And grow. And grow some more. And just when you think this thing is going to need a room of its own, it will grow just a little bit more. And then you'll dive into the middle of it and lay there trying to figure out how to fit one into every room of your house.

Sacs. I love them. My hubby loves them. My puppies love them. All our friends love them. I bet that's why they call it the Love Sac.

$399 for the SuperSac, available at LoveSac.com