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Rule #1: If You Can Eat it, it Can be Covered in Chocolate

As we have already established in a prior post, geeks eat junk food. I don't know that it's actually that geeks like junk food, it's just that junk food is convenient, and we do like convenience... especially if it means we don't have to leave the computer screen for any length of time. Junk food tends to be "continuing-to-work-while-I-eat" friendly. Glamorous geeks on the other hand, long for something a bit more elegant than a bag of Doritos and perhaps just a tad more fulfilling than fried corn meal and table salt. I, of course, have the perfect solution... and it's chocolate-covered bacon from Vosges Haut-Chocolat.

Think about the beauty of it! It gives you a bit of meat, a bit of salt (alder wood smoked salt, to be exact), and of course, fine chocolate. Practically a meal in itself! And it's so much more glamorous for the cleaning peeps to be finding pretty Vosges chocolate wrappers in your office trashcan than a crinkled up bag of stinky corn chips. Won't they be impressed!

Even better, if you don't quite think the whole "bacon/chocolate" thing constitutes a meal, Vosges offers other uniquely chocolate-covered options to supplement your cuisine, such as chipotle chillies, ginger and wasabi, and chicory coffee (my personal fav--we'll discuss Geek Caffeine Addiction later). You'll never have to tear yourself away from a painfully bug-ridden line of code to get up to cook again!

Check out all the Luxury Chocolates at Vosges Haut-Chocolat